Saturday, March 13, 2010

how big is your pen

Check out, its actually supposed to be pen island. LMAO, Im sorry but if I were building a professional website for pens, I believe I would have thought about it as the words rolled off my tongue.
Its Penis Land, thats how it sounds, and how funny is it, when a woman or someone interested in that finds out that they are only 4 inches long and have clickers, well some might find that pretty nice. Well atleast they dont need batteries.
Anyway, what CEO or boss would allow that to be the domain name,and what kind of name is pen island?
I could think of much better names than that.....
just a funny name
Let me know your thoughts.....

My opening thoughts

This is my new blog, making fun of websites with strange, funny, and odd names.
if you have any that you would like to submit, throw one my way.